The lodge was wired for electricity and, in a small building out in the back, was a Kohler Alternating Current Generator that ran on Bottled LP Gas. The system was equipped with a device that would cause it to start when a switch was turned on and stop when all power was turned off.
On one occasion we had a Minister of the Gospel with us and spent two or three days and nights at the camp. He was a real good “Joe”, played cards with us and tried hard to do his part with the camp chores. The “Padre”, we called him, became very inquisitive about what it was that caused the generator to start up each time a switch was turned on. We told him that when a switch was closed, a bell would ring, in the generator building, and that alerted a young fellow, that stayed out there, to start the outfit and that when he saw all of the lights go out, he would shut it down.
We were only pulling his leg, but he believed our story, right off, and when we got ready to leave for home he wanted to go out and thank the young fellow for taking such good care of us. We were able to talk him out of that and we never did tell him the difference.