Although not on the main street, there were other places of business that were in operation, in the early twenties. There were two Fur Tanneries, one on Pealer Street, at the end of North Hooker and one where the Three Rivers Furs sign still remains (July 2000). The telephone company was in the brick building, on the corner of East Michigan (Third Avenue) and Water Street, and there was another Blacksmith Shop across the street, where the new telephone building was. It is gone now. (1995)
The entrance to the Fair Grounds was just about where Tom Nelson’s Auto Parts Store is now. They must have discontinued fairs, at this site, in about 1920 or a short time earlier, because I can remember them having fairs, but not after we moved to Three Rivers. Harry Shively, Louise’s father, built the barn, on their small farm, with timbers reclaimed from the Floral Building of this old Fair Grounds.