As time went on, more and more production equipment was installed, which required more power, both steam and electricity, so two more boilers and two more turbines were installed. The first new boiler was a Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) 150,000 pound per hour, Recovery unit, and then a 450,000 pound per hour, B&W, Power boiler was added. The power boiler was equipped to burn either oil or pulverized coal. The oil was primarily for stand-by and for starting up.
Both of the turbines were second hand, because that was during the early days of World War II and new equipment, such as that, was not to be had. The first turbine was a 4000 KW, C.A.Parsons, built in England and came to us from the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan. The other one was a 2500 KW Westinghouse that came out of the Cherry River Paper Company at Richwood, West Virginia. This was a mill that our company had bought and shut down. Shortly after the Pulp Mill owners bought the Cherry River Company, they sent me up there to dismantle and ship several car loads of equipment back down to Plymouth. The turbine was not needed, at the time that I removed the other equipment so I didn’t remove it. That was done later by someone else.
Louise and the boys, Todd and Skip, went along with me and Skip cried almost constantly, all of the time that we were there. I think that it was the altitude that bothered him. He was only a baby and had never been more than ten feet above sea level, until then. We were there for a couple of weeks.
The Paper Mill was on the opposite side of the Cherry River from the town and was connected to it by a railroad spur, over a very old steel bridge. That bridge was so old and rickity that the Railroad Company would not run their engines across it. The Paper Company had their own locomotive, and late each evening I would fire it up and hook on to the cars that the crew had loaded, that day, push them down to the bridge and, with a running start, give them a push so that they would coast, across the bridge, to a point where the switch engine could pick them up, the next day. The train crew would do the same thing with a string of empty cars, for us.
The really strange thing about all of this was, that about five years later, I was walking through the rail yards of the Copperweld Steel Company, in Warren, Ohio when there in front of me stood that old locomotive, with the words CHERRY RIVER still on the sides of the cab. Judging from the place that it was sitting, I assumed that they had, just recently brought it in. I have always wondered how they got across that shakey old bridge. I am inclined to think that they that they might have taken a long string of empty cars and pulled it across, because they never would have gotten anyone to ride it over.