It was while we were in the Apache Park that Louise had her heart attack. She had been in the Benson Hospital for a week when she had the second one. She was then taken, by ambulance, to the Tucson Medical Center (TMC), in pretty bad shape. She was kept in the Intensive Care Cardiac Unit for three days and then another week in the Cardiac Care Ward. She was released from TMC on March 28, and on March 31 she was given a stress test at the Benson Hospital and, as a result she was instructed to return to TMC on April 9, for an angiagram. Following the angiagram, she was admitted to the Center, with open heart surgery scheduled for April 16, 1979. She improved rapidly and was released on April 25.
In the mean time I had moved the trailer from St. David and set it up in the Valley High Park in Benson. Shortly thereafter the Adlemans also moved into that park. They left for home soon after Louise was released from the hospital. We stayed in Benson until the middle of June, which gave Louise a little more time to regain some of her strength. She did exceedingly well and by the middle of June we felt that it would be safe to attempt the trip. By taking our time, the trip home was uneventful. Just as a matter of record, Louise’s Doctors were Byrd in Benson, in TMC they were Cardiologists Schocket, Gann and Fernandez and the Surgeon was Sabbaugh.
That was the last trip that we made, out West, with the trailer. The following year we stopped in Tucson, on our flight to San Jose, so that Louise could see Dr. Sabaugh, for a follow up check. We have been out to California several times since but, in each case, we flew.